Augustine (354-430), Page: Quotes, Quote Author
Every morning you put on your clothes to cover your nakedness and protect your body from inclement weather. Why don’t you also clothe your soul with the garment of faith? Remember each morning the truths of your creed, and look at yourself in the mirror of your faith. Otherwise, your soul will soon be naked with the nakedness of oblivion.
–Saint Augustine (354-430)
Augustine (354-430), Love, Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic
If you are silent, be silent out of love. If you speak, speak out of love.
–Saint Augustine (354-430)
Augustine (354-430), Page: Quotes, Quote Author
The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.
–Saint Augustine (354-430)
Augustine (354-430), Page: Quotes, Prayer (how), Quote Author, Quote Topic
For God does not hear us as humans hear. Unless you shout with your lungs and chest and lips, a mere man does not hear; whereas to God your very thoughts shout.
–Saint Augustine (354-430)
Augustine (354-430), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
Now we are conscious of two powers in the human soul: the active and the contemplative; the former maps the way, the latter marks the journey’s end; in the former we toil so that our hearts may be purified for the vision of God, in the latter we are at rest and see God; the former calls for the practice of the commandments of this life that passes away, in the latter we drink in the teachings of the life that shall never pass away.
–Saint Augustine (354-430)