Sharpen the blade…
There was an exhausted woodcutter who kept wasting time and energy chopping wood with a blunt ax because he did not have the time, he said, to stop and sharpen the blade.
–Anthony de Mello (1931-1987)
There was an exhausted woodcutter who kept wasting time and energy chopping wood with a blunt ax because he did not have the time, he said, to stop and sharpen the blade.
–Anthony de Mello (1931-1987)
Repentance brings an intense desire for God, deep gratitude, and a growth in self-awareness that increases our freedom to love.
–Anthony de Mello (1931-1987)
Wisdom tends to grow in proportion to one’s awareness of one’s ignorance.
–Anthony de Mello (1931-1987)
Is there life before death? – that is the question.
–Anthony de Mello (1931-1987)
It isn’t falling in that causes you to drown, it’s staying in.
–Anthony de Mello (1931-1987)