
Words of Wisdom & Encouragement

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Gaze fixed upon God…

The Christian who keeps his gaze fixed upon God’s Providence preserves constant courage and unshakable steadfastness, even amidst terrible misfortunes.
–Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov (1807-1867)

God rules the world…

There is no such thing as blind happenstance! God rules the world, and all that happens in heaven and under the heavens happens according to the wise and omnipotent God, unfathomable in His wisdom and omnipotence, and unfathomable in His governance.
–Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov (1807-1867)

Resentment is a moral poison…

Resentment or rejection of love is rejection of God. God withdraws from a resentful person, deprives him of His Grace, and gives him up to spiritual death, unless the person repents in good time so as to be healed of that deadly moral poison, resentment.
–Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov (1807-1867)

Wherever you go…

Amma Theodora said: A certain monk, afflicted by many sorrows, said to himself, “Leave this place.” With these words he began to put his sandals on his feet, and suddenly he saw the devil in the form of a man sitting in the corner of his cell. The devil was also putting on his sandals. He said to the monk, “Are you leaving here because of me? Well then, wherever you go, I will be there before you.
–Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov (1807-1867)

Virtues that shine…

Humility, obedience, meekness, and love are the virtues that shine through the Cross and the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
–Saint Anthony Mary Claret (1807-1870)

All states in life…

Our Lord has created persons for all states in life, and in all of them we see people who who achieved sanctity by fulfilling their obligations well.
–Saint Anthony Mary Claret (1807-1870)

Christian means learner…

The Christian who desires to follow Jesus carrying his cross must bear in mind that the name “Christian” means “learner or imitator of Christ” and that if he wishes to bear that noble title worthily he must above all do as Christ charges us in the Gospel: We must oppose or deny ourselves, take up the cross, and follow him.
–Saint Anthony Mary Claret (1807-1870)

We must be pure…

We must be pure. I do not speak merely of the purity of the senses. We must observe great purity in our will, in our intentions, in all our actions.
–Saint Peter Julian Eymard (1811-1868)

Eucharistic adoration is…

Eucharistic adoration is the greatest of actions. To adore is to share the life of Mary on earth when she adored the Word Incarnate in her virginal womb, when she adored Him in the Crib, on Calvary, in the divine Eucharist.
–Saint Peter Julian Eymard (1811-1868)

All unhappiness comes from…

Silence. All human unhappiness comes from not knowing how to stay quietly in a room.
–Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

The present moment…

The present moment is always full of infinite treasure. It contains far more than you can possibly grasp. Faith is the measure of its riches: what you find in the present moment is according to the measure of your faith. Love also is the measure: the more the heart loves, the more it rejoices in what God provides.
–Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675-1751)

The ocean of goodness…

Let us throw ourselves into the ocean of his goodness, where every failing will be canceled and anxiety turned into love.
–Saint Paul of the Cross (1694-1775)

The soul ought to obey…

As the wax which we place near the fire assumes any form we wish to give it, so the loving soul ought to obey as soon as her Beloved has spoken.
–Saint Paul of the Cross (1694-1775)

Your eternal salvation…

If your eternal salvation depended on yourself alone, you would have serious cause for alarm, but since it is in the hands of your heavenly Father, what have you to fear? My hopes rest on the Passion of Jesus and on the dolors of Mary.
–Saint Paul of the Cross (1694-1775)

Let creation draw you to God…

Let everything in creation draw you to God. Refresh your mind with some innocent recreation and needful rest, if it were only to saunter through the garden or the fields, listening to the sermon preached by the flowers, the trees, the meadows, the sun, the sky, and the whole universe. You will find that they exhort you to love and praise God; that they excite you to extol the greatness of the Sovereign Architect Who has given them their being.
–Saint Paul of the Cross (1694-1775)

One who trusts God…

He who trusts himself is lost. He who trusts God can do all things.
–Saint Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787)

The Blessed Sacrament…

Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest after the sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most helpful to us.
–Saint Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787)

Preserve some attachment…

Many, however, gives themselves to God, but preserve still in their hearts some attachment to creatures, which prevents them from belonging entirely to God.
–Saint Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787)

To find solitude…

In order to find this delightful solitude [with God], it is not necessary to withdraw into a desert and live in a cave; you can find it in your home and in the midst of your family. Busy yourself with the outside world only in as far as the duties of your state, obedience, or charity require, and you will be living in that solitude that best accords with your circumstances and that God requires of you.
–Saint Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787)

More mercy and God…

There is more mercy and God… then there are sins in us. Confess your sins at once, whatever they may be.
–Saint Tikhon (1724-1783)

Empty our heart…

If we want, Christian, to have our heart filled with divine love we must first empty them of the love of this world, its frivolous and sinful customs and then turn our hearts to the one God, our only good and happiness.
–Saint Tikhon (1724-1783)

Do we refuse to forgive?

Do we refuse to forgive? God, too, will refuse to forgive us. As we treat our neighbors, so also does God treat us. The forgiveness or unforgiveness of your sins, then, and hence also your salvation or destruction, depend on you yourself. For without forgiveness of sins there is no salvation. You can see for yourself how serious it is.
–Saint Tikhon (1724-1783)

Whatever you do…

Whatever you do, do it gently and unhurriedly, because virtue is not a pear to be eaten in one bite.
–Saint Seraphim of Sarov (1754-1833)

On a full stomach…

One should not think about the doings of God when one’s stomach is full; on a full stomach there can be no vision of the Divine mysteries.
–Saint Seraphim of Sarov (1754-1833)

Given by the Holy Spirit…

It is necessary that the Holy Spirit enter our heart. Everything good that we do, that we do for Christ, is given to us by the Holy Spirit, but prayer most of all, which is always available to us.
–Saint Seraphim of Sarov (1754-1833)

Remembrance of God…

Those who have truly decided to serve the Lord God should practice the remembrance of God and uninterrupted prayer to Jesus Christ, mentally saying: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
–Saint Seraphim of Sarov (1754-1833)

Humble and simple…

Be humble, be simple, bring joy to others.
–Saint Madeline Sophie Barat (1779-1865)

Know where you are going…

Setting out is one thing: you also must know where you are going and what you can do when you get there.
–Saint Madeline Sophie Barat (1779-1865)

Apart from Jesus Christ…

Apart from Jesus Christ, we do not know what is our life, nor our death, nor God, nor ourselves.
–Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

Difficult to be proud…

Anyone who thinks of what he is, what he has been, and what he can do of himself will find it difficult to be proud.
–Saint Claude de la Colombiere (1641-1682)

Prayer is the only…

I feel a great attraction toward prayer… It is the only means of purifying us, of uniting us to God, and of allowing God to unite himself to us and be glorified in us. We must pray to obtain the apostolic virtues; pray that we may use them to help others, and pray also that we may not lose them while serving others.
–Saint Claude de la Colombiere (1641-1682)

Unless God wills it…

It is one of the most firmly established and most consoling of the truths that have been revealed to us that (apart from sin) nothing happens to us in life unless God wills it so. Wealth and poverty alike come from Him. If we fall ill, God is the cause of our illness; if we get well, our recovery is due to God. We owe our lives entirely to Him, and when death comes to put an end to life, His will be the hand that deals the blow.
–Saint Claude de la Colombiere (1641-1682)

Persevering until death…

Above all, as sanctity does not consist in being faithful for a day or a year but in persevering until death, we must use God as a shield which covers us completely because we are attacked from all sides. God must do everything. All the better; there will be no fear of failure. As for ourselves, we have only to acknowledge our power­lessness and to be fervent and constant in asking for help through the intercession of Mary, to whom God refuses nothing.
–Saint Claude de la Colombiere (1641-1682)

Nothing but God…

I need nothing but God, and to lose myself in the heart of Jesus.
–Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690)

Only say, “I will” and…

It is only necessary to say energetically “I will,” and all will go well.
–Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690)

Go along the way…

Go courageously to God, along the way He has traced out for you, steadfastly embracing the means He offers you.
–Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690)

Conform your will…

Believe me, do not be cast down or grieved at the small vexations by which it pleases our Lord to try your love and patience; but endeavor rather to conform your will to His, letting Him do with you according to His desire, which is, that you should remain peaceful and resigned in the midst of your difficulties.
–Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690)

Saying much in few words…

Genuine good taste consists in saying much in few words, in choosing among our thoughts, in having order and arrangement in what we say, and in speaking with composure.
–François Fénèlon (1651-1715)

No one exempt from temptation…

No period of the Christian life is exempt from temptation. The temptations incident to the earlier stages are different from those incident to a later period, and are to be resisted in a different manner.
–François Fénèlon (1651-1715)

Example makes a…

Example makes a much greater impression than words.
–Saint John Baptiste de la Salle (1651-1719)

Jesus waiting to enter…

How long has Jesus been knocking at the door of your heart, waiting to enter?
–Saint John Baptiste de la Salle (1651-1719)

Hope in God…

Do not let anticipation of tomorrow be a burden on the day that is passing. What you lack in the evening, the morrow will
bring you, if you know how to hope in God.
–Saint John Baptiste de la Salle (1651-1719)

Consider myself an instrument…

I will often consider myself as an instrument which is of no use except in the hands of the Workman. Hence I must await the orders of Providence before acting and be careful to accomplish them when unknown.
–Saint John Baptiste de la Salle (1651-1719)

The will of God…

The will of God presents itself at each moment like an immense ocean that the desire of your heart cannot empty; yet you will drink from that ocean according to your faith and love.
–Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675-1751)

Unless ordained by God…

Nothing is essential, real, or of any value unless ordained by God who arranges all things and makes them useful to the soul. Apart from this divine will all is hollow, empty, null, there is nothing but falsehood, vanity, nothingness, death.
–Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675-1751)

Life can be sanctified…

No state of life can, assuredly, be sanctified in a more exalted manner, nor in a more wonderful and easy way than by the simple use of the means that God, the sovereign director of souls, gives them to do or to suffer at each moment.
–Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675-1751)

His divine action…

There is not a moment in which God does not present Himself under the cover of some pain to be endured, of some consolation to be enjoyed, or of some duty to be performed. All that takes place within us, around us, or through us, contains and conceals His divine action.
–Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675-1751)

Seeking to surrender…

Welcoming the comfort that the Holy Spirit gives means seeking, in silence and peace, to surrender ourselves to him.
–Brother Roger of Taize (1915-2005)

The Church can radiate…

Never distant, never on the defensive, freed of all harshness, the Church can radiate the humble trusting of faith into our human hearts.
–Brother Roger of Taize (1915-2005)

The Church listens, heals, and…

When tirelessly the Church listens, heals and reconciles, it becomes what it is at its most luminous—a communion of love, of compassion, of consolation, a clear reflection of the Risen Christ.
–Brother Roger of Taize (1915-2005)

Receive infinite mercy…

What God asks of us and offers us is simply to receive his infinite mercy. That God loves us is a reality sometimes hard to comprehend. But when we discover that his love is forgiveness above all else, our hearts find peace and are even transformed.
–Brother Roger of Taize (1915-2005)

A church that suffers…

A church that suffers no persecution but enjoys the privileges and support of the things of the earth – beware! – is not the true church of Jesus Christ. A preaching that does not point out sin is not the preaching of the gospel. A preaching that makes sinners feel good, so that they are secured in their sinful state, betrays the gospel’s call.
–Blessed Oscar Romero (1917-1980)

A Church that doesn’t…

A church that doesn’t provoke any crisis, a gospel that doesn’t unsettle, a Word of God that doesn’t get under anyone’s skin, what kind of gospel is that? Preachers who avoid every thorny matter so as not to be harassed do not light up the world.
–Blessed Oscar Romero (1917-1980)

God waits patiently…

God waits patiently for me to wake up, grow up, come to the awareness that great works take time, that nothing truly worthwhile can be rushed… How difficult it is not to interfere, to try to take over, to go it alone. But God cannot succeed without me. God needs my whole-hearted cooperation in this work.
–Jean Royer (1920-2011)

Everything passes; love remains…

It is always the time of hope, confidence and love. Everything passes; love remains. We will not be disappointed.
–Carlo Maria Martin (1927-2012)

God surprises us…

God is always faithful in His promises, but He often surprises us in the way He fulfills them.
–Pope Benedict XVI (1927-

Every day decrease and increase…

Every day, decrease your self-centeredness and increase your love of your neighbor. Every day, lessen your reliance on yourself and increase your trust in God.
–Francois-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuân (1928-2002)

Prayer is the foundation…

As a light bulb brightens when connected to a generator, so are you when you are joined in communication with God in prayer. Prayer is the foundation of the spiritual life.
–Francois-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuân (1928-2002

To become a saint…

If you want to become a saint, be like a child. A child does not comprehend theories of behavior, but it does watch its mother and imitates her conduct, believing her to know everything and always to be correct. Therefore, look to our mother Mary and imitate her example and you will become a saint.
–Francois-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuân (1928-2002)

The only reward awaiting…

When God asked St. Thomas Aquinas, “Thomas, you have written well of me, what do you desire for a reward,” without any hesitation, the Angelic Doctor replied, “Only you, Lord, only you!” When you reach the end of your journey along the Road of Hope, the only reward awaiting you will be God himself.
–Francois-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuân (1928-2002)

Words of affirmation…

Words of love and affirmation are like bread. We need them each day, over and over. They keep us alive inside.
–Henri Nouwen (1932-1996)

The guiding hand of God…

Let’s not be afraid to look at everything that has brought us to where we are now and trust that we will soon see in it the guiding hand of a loving God.
–Henri Nouwen (1932-1996)

Our vocation is hidden…

It is very important to realize that our vocation is hidden in where we are and who we are. We are unique human beings, each with a call to realize in life what nobody else can, and to realize it in the concrete context of the here and now.
–Henri Nouwen (1932-1996)

Each day holds a surprise…

Each day holds a surprise. But only if we expect it can we see, hear, or feel it when it comes to us. Let’s not be afraid to receive each day’s surprise, whether it comes to us as sorrow or as joy. It will open a new place in our hearts, a place where we can welcome new friends and celebrate more fully our shared humanity.
–Henri Nouwen (1932-1996)

Our own choices…

God writes the story of our lives with the pen strokes of our own free choices.
–Peter Kreeft (1937-

Ever conscious of God…

Oh, how happy is this soul that is ever conscious of God resting and reposing within its breast!
–Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591)

A Christian should always…

A Christian should always remember that the value of good works is not based on their number and excellence, but on the love of God which prompts one to do these things.
–Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591)

The soul’s center is God…

The soul’s center is God. When it has reached God with all the
capacity of its being and the strength of its operation and
inclination, it will have attained to its final and deepest center in God; it will know, love and enjoy God with all its might.
–Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591)

In temptations and trials…

In temptations and trials the progress of a man is measured; in them opportunity for merit and virtue is made more manifest.
–Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)

Persevering determination…

If a person shows a firm and persevering determination to serve God in the manner and place to which His divine majesty calls her, she gives the best proof we can have that she has a true vocation.
–Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)

All temptation lies…

The beginning of all temptation lies in a wavering mind and little trust in God, for as a rudderless ship is driven hither and yon by waves, so a careless and irresolute man is tempted in many ways. Fire tempers iron and temptation steels the just. Often we do not know what we can stand, but temptation shows us what we are. Above all, we must be especially alert against the beginnings of temptation, for the enemy is more easily conquered if he is refused admittance to the mind and is met beyond the threshold when he knocks.
–Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)

Hold your eyes on God…

Hold your eyes on God and leave the doing to him. That is all the doing you have to worry about.
–Saint Jane Frances de Chantal (1572-1641)

In prayer, never let go…

In prayer one must hold fast and never let go, because the one who gives up loses all. If it seems that no one is listening to you, then cry out even louder. If you are driven out of one door, go back in by the other.
–Saint Jane Frances de Chantal (1572-1641)

Being content either way…

[W]e must be as satisfied to be powerless, idle and still before God, and dried up and barren when He permits it, as to be full of life, enjoying His presence with ease and devotion. The whole matter of our union with God consists in being content either way.
–Saint Jane Frances de Chantal (1572-1641)

If we patiently accept…

If we patiently accept through love all that God allows to happen, then we will begin to taste even here on earth something of the delights the saints experience in heaven. But for this we must serve God willingly and lovingly, seeking to obey the Divine Will rather than to follow our own inclinations and desires. For the perfection of love demands that we desire for ourselves only whatever God wills. Let us implore the good God unceasingly to grant us this grace!
–Saint Jane Frances de Chantal (1572-1641)

To be holy and wise…

As to be holy is nothing else than to will what God wills, so to be wise is nothing else than to judge of things as God judges of them.
–Saint Vincent de Paul (1581-1660)

Commit everything to God…

No matter what others say or do, even if the wicked succeed, do not be troubled: commit everything to God and put your trust in him.
–Saint Vincent de Paul (1581-1660)

Trust in God…

Free your mind from all that troubles you; God will take care of things. You will be unable to make haste in this (choice) without, so to speak, grieving the heart of God, because he sees that you do not honor him sufficiently with holy trust. Trust in him, I beg you, and you will have the fulfillment of what your heart desires.
–Saint Vincent de Paul (1581-1660)

Time heals for we change…

Time heals griefs and quarrels, for we change and are no longer the same persons.
–Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

Redeemed from myself…

Praised be the Lord, who has redeemed me from myself!
–Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)

Walk with God continually…

Take God for your spouse and friend and walk with Him continually, and you will not sin, will learn to love, and the things you must do will work out prosperously for you.
–Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)

We can know God personally…

Jesus makes a claim which no one would have dared to make: He is the perfect revelation of God. Our knowledge of God is not simply limited to knowing something about God – who he is and what he is like. We can know God personally and be united with him in a relationship of love, trust, and friendship. Jesus makes it possible for each of us to personally know God as our Father. To see Jesus is to see what God is like. In Jesus we see the perfect love of God – a God who cares intensely and who yearns over men and women, loving them to the point of laying down his life for them upon the cross.
–Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)

Read the works…

It is very useful for those who minister the Word of God to give themselves up to prayer, to read the works of authors who’s names begin with “S”, such as St. Augustine, St. Bernard, etc.
–Saint Philip Neri (1515-1595)

In visiting the sick…

In order the better to gain souls, in visiting the sick, we ought to imagine that what we do for the sick man we are doing for Christ Himself; we shall thus perform this work of mercy with more love and greater spiritual profit.
–Saint Philip Neri (1515-1595)

Patience and persistence…

Humble patience, tirelessness and persistence in prayer conquer the unconquerable God and incline Him to mercy.
–Lawrence Scupoli (1529-1610)

Peace and stillness of soul…

Watch yourself with all diligence, lest the enemy steals near and robs you, depriving you of this great treasure, which is inner peace and stillness of soul.
–Lawrence Scupoli (1529-1610)

Total surrender to the will of God…

Total surrender to the will of God actually is sacrificing oneself as a burnt offering to God. The proof of this state is dying to oneself, – to one’s own opinions, wishes and feelings or tastes, in order to live by Divine intellect, in conformity with the Divine will and in partaking of God.
–Lawrence Scupoli (1529-1610)

Cherish nothing but…

Reflect every day on the fact that He Who has granted you the morning has not promised the evening, and, should He grant this, He gives no assurance of the following morning. Spend each day, therefore, as if it were the last; cherish nothing but the will of God, for you will have to render a strict account for every moment.
–Lawrence Scupoli (1529-1610)

Rely on God alone…

We should feel with our whole heart that we have no one to rely on except God, and that from Him, and Him alone can we expect every kind of good, every manner of help, and victory. Since we are nothing, we can expect nothing of ourselves, except stumblings and falls, which make us relinquish all hope of ourselves. On the other hand, we are certain always to be granted victory by God, if we arm our heart with a living trust in Him and an unshakable certainty that we will receive His help.
–Lawrence Scupoli (1529-1610)

Nothing pleases God more…

Nothing pleases God more than to be his Son’s helpers and to undertake the charge of saving souls.
–Saint Charles Borromeo (1538-1584)

Nature of faith…

Such is the nature of faith that the greater are the obstacles it encounters, the more ardent it becomes.
–Saint Charles Borromeo (1538-1584)

The soul in itself…

The soul is in itself a most lovely and perfect image of God.
–Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591)

The Creator loves us…

For it is so precisely loved by him who is highest that this surpasses the knowledge of all created beings. That is to say, there is no created being who can know how much and how sweetly and how tenderly the Creator loves us.
–Saint Julian of Norwich (1342-1416)

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