Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
It is Jesus in fact that you seek when you dream of happiness. He is waiting for you when nothing else you find satisfies you; he is the beauty to which you are so attracted; it is he who provokes you with that thirst for fullness that will not let you settle for compromise.
–Saint John Paul (1920-2005)
Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
Remember that you are never alone, Christ is with you on your journey every day of your lives! He has called you and chosen you to live in the freedom of the children of God. Turn to him in prayer and in love. Ask him to grant you the courage and strength to live in this freedom always. Walk with him who is ‘the Way, the Truth and the Life’!”
–Saint John Paul (1920-2005)
Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
Just as a basic concern is to be careful of anything that might be harmful to our physical health, so our spiritual concern should watch out for anything that might harm our spiritual life and the work of faith and salvation. Therefore, carefully and attentively assess your inner impulses: are they from God or from the spirit of evil?
–Saint John Maximovich (1896-1966)
Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
Patient waiting is necessary that we may fulfill what we have begun to be and, through God’s help, that we may obtain what we hope for and believe.
–Saint Cyprian of Carthage (c. 200-258)
Adversity, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life), Suffering
You may rest assured that God will not allow you to be tried beyond your strength. It is when we are powerless that God does all, and thereby manifests His power and goodness in a striking manner.
–Saint John Baptist de la Salle (1651-1719)
Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
Live with your heart raised up in God, and do not allow yourself to be crushed by sadness. Be sure that one day you will see the warm sun that will scatter these clouds.
–Saint Paul of the Cross (1694-1775)