Do not destroy the balance

Vigils, prayer and patient acceptance of what comes constitute a breaking that does not harm but benefits the heart, provided we do not destroy the balance between them through excess. He who perseveres in them will be helped in other ways as well; but he who is slack and negligent will suffer intolerably on leaving this life.
— Saint Mark the Ascetic (Fifth Century)

Preserve us from excess…

With all our strength and with all our effort we must strive by humility to acquire for ourselves the good gift of sober-mindedness, which can preserve us unharmed by excess from both sides. For, as the Fathers say, the extremes from both sides are equally harmful—both excess of fasting and filling the belly, excess of vigil and excessive sleep, and other excesses.
— Saint John Cassian (c. 360-435)

How to foster inspiration…

How Can We Foster Inspirations?

  1. Practice Praise and Thanksgiving.
  2. Desire and Ask For Them.
  3. Resolve to Refuse God Nothing.
  4. Practice Filial and Trusting Obedience.
  5. Practice Abandonment.
  6. Practice Detachment.
  7. Practice Silence and Peace.
  8. Persevere Faithfully in Prayer.
  9. Examine the Movements of Our Hearts.
  10. Open Our Hearts To a Spiritual Director.

–Jacques Philippe (1947-

Mortification without…

As birds cannot soar on high with only one wing, neither should the soul persuade herself that she can rise aloft to God by mortification unless it be accompanied by prayer. Mortification without prayer is useless toil, and prayer without mortification is like meat without salt: it soon corrupts. Hence the soul must provide herself with both wings if her flight is to be towards the courts of heaven where her heart ought to find its full content in converse with God.
–Saint Jane Frances de Chantal (1572-1641)