Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
Every contemplative (and not only the gifted mystic), if his contemplation is an expression of a living discipleship, must be prepared to experience the dark night to some degree. It is a sign that he is on the path of Christ, i.e., it is a sign of consolation, even though it is bound to take the form of a withdrawal of consolation.
–Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905–1988)
Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
When one receives grace, there is then need for the greatest prudence and discernment. God gives these to the person that asks Him for them so that he may serve God in the Spirit Whom he receives, and also that he may not be conquered by evil and be deceived, led astray through ignorance, presumption, and carelessness by acting against all that the Lord wills.
–Saint Macarius the Great (295-392)
Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
In the measure that we pay attention and take care to carry out what we hear, God will always enlighten us and make us understand His will.
–Saint Dorotheus of Gaza (Sixth Century)
Catherine of Siena (1347-1380), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
Enrich your soul in the great goodness of God: The Father is your table, the Son is your food, and the Holy Spirit waits on you and then makes His dwelling in you.
— Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)
Julian of Norwich (1342-1416), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
Though we are in such pain, trouble and distress, that it seems to us that we are unable to think of anything except how we are and what we feel, yet as soon as we may, we are to pass lightly over it, and count it as nothing. And why? Because God wills that we should understand that if we know him and love him and reverently fear him, we shall have rest and be at peace. And we shall rejoice in all that he does.
–Saint Julian of Norwich (1342-1416)
Love, Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life), Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)
Without expectation, do something for love itself, not for what you may receive. Love in action is what gives us grace. We have been created for greater things – to love and to be loved. Love is love – to love a person without any conditions, without any expectations. Small things, done in great love, bring joy and peace. To love, it is necessary to give. To give, it is necessary to be free from selfishness.
–Saint Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)