Page: Quotes, Spiritual (life)
The stream of holy Scripture flows not from human research but from revelation by God… From him, through his Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit flows into us; and through the Holy Spirit, giving, at will, different gifts to different people, comes the gift of faith, and through faith Jesus Christ has his dwelling in our hearts.
–Saint Bonaventure (1221-1274)
Grace, Page: Quotes, Suffering
A seed will not grow without earth and water; and a man will not develop without voluntary suffering and divine help.
–Saint Mark the Ascetic (Fifth Century)
Discipleship, Page: Quotes
The Christian vocation is to walk on water, without any human support, in pure faith, in hope, and in pure charity, even without any feeling, keeping their gaze fixed on God.
— Raïssa Maritain (1883–1960)
Adversity, Page: Quotes
You can advance farther in grace in one hour during this time of affliction than in many days during a time of consolation.
— Saint John Eudes (1601-1689)
Adversity, Grace, Page: Quotes
Jesus did not promise to take away our burdens. He promised to help us carry them.
— Joseph Bernadin (1928-1996)
Discipleship, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
Love God, serve God: everything is in that.
— Saint Clare of Assisi (1194-1253)