Devote yourself in prayer…
The more you devote yourself in prayer the more you will do well in your work.
–Saint John Baptist de la Salle (1651-1719)
The more you devote yourself in prayer the more you will do well in your work.
–Saint John Baptist de la Salle (1651-1719)
Show the great love you have for Jesus by being eager to talk with him in prayer.
–Saint John Baptist de la Salle (1651-1719)
We should have frequent recourse to prayer, and persevere a long time in it. God wishes to be solicited. He is not weary of hearing us. The treasure of His graces is infinite. We can do nothing more pleasing to God than to beg incessantly that He bestow them upon us.
–Saint John Baptiste de la Salle (1651-1719)
Each of you should strive again and again to have a heart dedicated to God, discerning in its thoughts, wary in temptation, free of anger, separated from judgments, pining with longing for eternity, wounded with love, shining in intellect, careful in works, raised up by contemplation, concerned about the good, cut to pieces by sorrow for sin, holy in its manner of life, guarded by fear, adorned with grace.
–Blessed Humbert of Romans (c.1194-1277)
O happy heart which shows itself to be a throne on which God may sit, a chamber in which God may rest, a seal on which the likeness of God is impressed, a cellar filled with God’s own vintage, a book in which God’s memories are written, gold which God moulds to any form.
–Blessed Humbert of Romans (c.1194-1277)
By the law of charity we are ordered to welcome into the bosom of love not only our friends but also our enemies. But we call friends only those to whom we have no qualm about entrusting our heart and all its contents.
— Saint Aelred of Rievaulx 1110-1167)