Life and death are one…
For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.
–Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)
For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.
–Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)
Anyone who is not begun to pray, I beg, for the love of the Lord, not to miss so great a blessing. There is no place here for fear, but only desire.
–Saint Teresa of Ávila (1515-1582)
Therefore if you occasionally lapse into sin, do not lose heart and cease trying to advance, for God will draw good even out of our falls.
–Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)
Our obligation is to do God’s will, and not our own. We must remember this if the prayer that our Lord commanded us to say daily is to have any meaning on our lips. How unreasonable it is to pray that God’s will be done, and then not promptly obey it when he calls us from this world!
–Saint Cyprian of Carthage (c. 200-258)
It is not God’s will that we should abound in spiritual delights, but that in all things we should submit to his holy will.
–Blessed Henry Suso (c. 1295-1366)
With those who are perfect and walk with simplicity, there is nothing small and contemptible, if it be a thing that pleases God; for the pleasure of God is the object at which alone they aim, and which is the reason, the measure, and the reward of all their occupations, actions, and plans; and so, in whatever they find this, it is for them a great important thing.
— Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez (1532-1617)