Church, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
Thus the real life of that church consists in the mutual love and dependence, the common prayer, adoration and self-offering of the whole inter-penetrating family of spirits who have dared to open their souls without condition to that all-demanding, all-giving Spirit of Charity, in whom we live and move and without whom we should not exist.
— Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941)
Church, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
The Church of Christ is One, Holy, Universal and Apostolic. She is herself a single spiritual body, whose head is Christ, and who has the one Holy Spirit abiding in her. The local parts of the Church are members of a single body of the Universal Church, and they, like branches of a single tree, are nourished by one and same sap from a single root. She is called holy because she is sanctified by the holy word, deeds, sacrifice and suffering of her founder, Jesus Christ, to which end He came in order to save human beings and lead them to holiness. The Church is called universal because she is not confined by place, not by time, nor by nation nor language.
–Saint Nicholas of Serbia (1880-1956)
Church, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
It is now for the Catholic Church to bend herself to her work with calmness and generosity. It is for you to observe her with renewed and friendly attention.
–Saint John XXIII (1881-1963)
Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Struggle (with Sin)
What have we done? Christ has left us. We have driven him away. Our hatreds, our pride, our pharisaical self-sufficiency have driven out the Spirit of the Gospel. And Christ has gone. Christ has gone. Oh, how satisfied we are with ourselves! We are the pure, we possess the truth, and we condemn others! But life and history go on.
— Patriarch Athenagoras I of Constantinople (1886-1972)
Church, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
What is most lacking among men of the Church is the Spirit of Christ: humility, selflessness, an open welcome, the capacity of seeing the best in others. We are afraid, we want to hang on to what is over and done with, because we’re used to it. We want to be right over against the others, and under a language of conventional humility we hide the spirit of pride and power. We carry on apart from life. We have made the Church into an organization, just like all the other ones. We have put all our energy into setting it up, and now we put all our energy into keeping it going. And it works more or less; rather less than more, but it works. Only it works like a machine, and not like life.
–Patriarch Athenagoras I of Constantinople (1886-1972)
Charity, Detachment, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
Everything I own really belongs to the poor.
— Saint Elizabeth of Hungary (1207-1231)