Pray God to reform the Church…

Keep to the ancient way and custom of the Church, established and confirmed by so many Saints under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. And live a new life.  Pray, and get others to pray, that God not abandon His Church, but reform it as He pleases, and as He sees best for us, and more to His honor and glory. For in these perilous and pestilential times, you will find no other recourse than to take refuge at the feet of Jesus Christ.
— Saint Angela Merici (1474-1540)

Charity unites us…

Charity unites us to God. There is nothing mean in charity, nothing arrogant. Charity knows no schism, does not rebel, does all things in concord. In charity all the elect of God have been made perfect.
— Saint Clement (First Century)

Fix our hearts on Jesus crucified…

True reverence for the Lord’s passion means fixing the eyes of our heart on Jesus crucified… No one, however weak, is denied a share in the victory of the cross. No one is beyond the help of the prayer of Christ. His prayer brought benefit to the multitude that raged against him. How much more does it bring to those who turn to him in repentance. Ignorance has been destroyed, obstinacy has been overcome. The sacred blood of Christ has quenched the flaming sword that barred access to the tree of life. The age-old night of sin has given place to the true light.The Christian people are invited to share the riches of paradise.
–Saint Leo the Great (c. 400-461)

Many Christians desire…

Many Christians desire to be with Christ the Lord when He is glorified, but they do not wish to be with Him in dishonor and reproach, nor to carry their cross.They entreat Him that they may come into His Kingdom, but they do not wish to suffer in the world, and thereby they show that their heart is not right and that they do not truly love Christ. And to tell the truth, they love themselves more than Christ.
–Saint Tikhon (1724-1783)

Our journey brings us…

For the journey’s end must always be wished and longed for by travelers, and so because we ourselves are travelers and exiles in the world we should always be thinking of the journey’s end, that is, the end of our life, for our journey brings us to our native land.
–Saint Columbanus (543-615)