Page: Quotes, Prayer (how), Quote Topic
Do not think that you will be set free by things which are harmful. You do not know what is good for you in the way that God does. Therefore, give yourselves to him who holds the key to the universe. For even if you ask nothing but merely groan under the impulse of the grace that dwells in you, he handles your affairs wisely and will ensure that you get what you need.
–Saint Theodoret of Cyrus (c. 393-457)
Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Repentance, Spiritual (life)
Let no one despair of being saved. For if the diseases of wickedness that oppress us are great, there is an almighty mighty doctor coming who can deliver us. But all of us should remember that the same Son of God who comes in meekness to save us will come again in severity to judge us.
–Venerable Bede (c. 673-735)
Death, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
We are not heading for an eternal void and an eternal silence but we are on our way to an encounter, an encounter with Him who created us and loves us more than mother and father.
–Raniero Cantalamessa (1936-
Grace, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
God wills only our good; God loves us more than anybody else can or does love us.
–Saint Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787)
Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
Anyone who loves God in the depths of his heart has already been loved by God. In fact, the measure of a man’s love for God depends upon how deeply aware he is of God’s love for him. When this awareness is keen it makes whoever possesses it long to be enlightened by the divine light, and this longing is so intense that it seems to penetrate his very bones. He loses all consciousness of himself and is entirely transformed by the love of God.
–Saint Diadochus of Photike (c. 400 – c. 486)
Abandonment (of self), Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
Whoever is in love with himself is unable to love God. The man who loves God is the one who abandons his self-love for the sake of the immeasurable blessings of divine love. Such a man never seeks his own glory but only the glory of God.
–Saint Diadochus of Photike (c. 400 – c. 486)