Blessed Virgin Mary, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
Come, let us wonder at the virgin most pure, wondrous in herself, unique in creation, she gave birth, yet knew no man; her pure soul with wonder was filled, daily her mind gave praise in joy at the twofold wonder: her virginity preserved, her child most dear. Blessed is He who shone forth from her!
–Saint Ephrem of Syria (c. 306 – 373)
Blessed Virgin Mary, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
In between these resplendent lilies her Son placed seven precious gems.
- The first gem is her outstanding virtuousness, for there exists no virtue in any other spirit or in any other body, which she does not possess more excellently.
- The second gem is her perfect purity, for the Queen of Heaven was so pure that not a single stain of sin was ever to be found in her from the beginning when she first entered the world up to the final day of her death.
- The third gem was her beauty, for God is praised constantly by his saints for the beauty of his Mother. Her beauty completes the joy of the holy angels and of all holy souls.
- The fourth precious gem in the crown is the Virgin Mothers’ wisdom, for she was filled with all divine wisdom in God and through her all wisdom is completed and perfected.
- The fifth gem is power, for she is so powerful before God that she can crush anything that has been created or made.
- The sixth gem is her shining clarity, for she shines so clear that she even sheds light on the angels, whose eyes shine more clearly than light, and the demons do not dare to look upon her shining clarity.
- The seventh gem is the fullness of every delight and spiritual sweetness, since her fullness is such that there is no joy that she does not add to, no delight that is not made fuller and more perfect through her and through the blessed vision of her, for she is filled and replete with grace beyond all the saints….
Her Son placed these seven gems in between the seven lilies in her crown. Wherefore… honor and praise her with all your heart, for she is truly worthy of all praise and honor!’
–Saint Brigid of Sweden (1303-1373)
Blessed Virgin Mary, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
From Mary we learn to surrender to God’s Will in all things. From Mary we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary we learn to love Christ her Son and the Son of God!
–Saint John Paul (1920-2005)
Adversity, John of the Cross (1542-1591), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic
Whenever anything disagreeable or displeasing happens to you remember Christ crucified and be silent.
–Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591)
Blessed Virgin Mary, John of the Cross (1542-1591), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic
The Virgin weighed with the Word of God, comes down the road; if only you’ll shelter her.
–Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591)
Blessed Virgin Mary, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
No one who shall invoke this Mother of Grace with devotion and perseverance can possibly perish forever.
–Saint John Eudes (1601-1689)