Humility, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
Do not seek earthly glory in any matter, for it is extinguished for him who loves it. In its time it blows on a man like a strong wind, and then quickly, taking from him the fruits of his good works, it goes away from him, laughing at his foolishness.
–Saint Gennadius of Constantinople (Fifth Century)
Humility, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
As water and fire oppose one another when combined, so are self-justification and humility opposed to one another.
–Saint Mark the Ascetic (Fifth Century)
Humility, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
A person is humble when he knows that his very being that is on loan to him.
–Saint Maximos the Confessor (580-662)
Humility, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
Humility is the only thing that no devil can imitate.
–Saint John Climacus (c. 525-606)
Confession, Grace, Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic, Repentance
As a handful of sand thrown into the ocean, so are the sins of all flesh as compared with the mind of God.
–Saint Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century)
Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century), Page: Quotes, Prayer (answered), Quote Author, Quote Topic
If God is slow in answering your request, and you ask but do not promptly receive anything, do not be upset, for you are not wiser than God. When you remain as you were before, without anything happening, it is either because your behavior is not worthy of your request, or because the paths in which your heart was traveling were far removed from the aim of your prayer, or because your interior condition is far too childish, when compared with the magnitude of the thing for which you have asked.
–Saint Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century