Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
Ought you so soon to forget how He has cherished you or to believe that God would lightly withdraw affection He bestowed so fully? Why did He grant so many proofs of it, if not to make you trust Him? Be assured that He loves you, even if He does not show it at the present moment.
–Saint John of Ávila (1500-1569)
Grace, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
Retire into the secrecy of your own heart, and open it to receive what is wont to come from so powerful a Light. Beseech the same Lord that, as He has deigned to place Himself within your hands, He will give you the further grace to esteem and venerate and love Him as you should.
–Saint John of Avila (1500-1569)
Adversity, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Suffering
Nothing, how little so ever it be, if it is suffered for God’s sake, can pass without merit in the sight of God.
–Thomas a Kempis (1380-1471)
Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Struggle (with Sin)
It is one thing to be delivered from bad thoughts, and another to be freed from the passions. Often people are delivered from thoughts, when they do not have before their eyes those things which produce passion. But the passions for them remain hidden in the soul, and when the things appear again the passions are revealed. Therefore it is necessary to guard the mind when these things appear, and to know toward which things you have a passion.
— Maximos the Confessor (580-662)
Gregory the Great (c. 540-604), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic, Struggle (with Sin)
It is in vain that we cut off the branches of evil, if we leave intact the root, which continually produces new ones.
— Saint Gregory the Great (c. 540-604)
Augustine (354-430), Love, Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
Love is itself the fulfillment of all our works. There is the goal; that is why we run: we run toward it, and once we reach it, in it we shall find rest.
–Saint Augustine (354-430)