Little daily acts…..

Little daily acts of charity, a headache, toothache or cold, the ill humor of a husband or wife, this contempt or that scorn, the loss of a pair of gloves, a ring or a handkerchief, the little inconveniences incurred by going to bed early and getting up early to pray or attend Mass, the little feelings of self-consciousness that comes with performing good deeds in public – in short, all such little things as these when accepted and embraced with love are highly pleasing to God’s mercy. For a single cup of water God has promised to his faithful people a sea of endless bliss.
–Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)

Kind actions cause…

When the painful problems of the heart are endured, humbly and
patiently, they give the soul a splendid luster, the nearer and better and closer they touch it. But remember that kind actions – more than anything else – cause the soul to shine with brilliance.
–Saint Gertrude (1256-1302)

Opportunities to serve God…

Practice those little, humble virtues which grow like flowers at the foot of the cross: helping the poor, visiting the sick, and taking care of your family with all the tasks that go with such things and with all the useful diligence which will not let you stand idly by, for great opportunities to serve God rarely present themselves while little ones are frequent.
–Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)