Each must be accepted…
[M]ay you continue to be well and happy–the way God wants you to be. Joys and sufferings constantly follow one after another in this life and each must be accepted by us in whatever manner God sends them.
–Blessed Luisitia Josefa (1866-1937)
When working for a Master…
Nothing seems tiresome or painful when you are working for a Master who pays well; who rewards even a cup of cold water given for love of Him.
–Saint Dominic Savio (1842-1857)
In temptations and trials…
In temptations and trials the progress of a man is measured; in them opportunity for merit and virtue is made more manifest.
–Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
Nature of faith…
Such is the nature of faith that the greater are the obstacles it encounters, the more ardent it becomes.
–Saint Charles Borromeo (1538-1584)
No sacrifices beyond our strength…
Our Lord never asks sacrifices from us beyond our strength. At times, it is true this Divine Savior makes us feel all the bitterness of the chalice that He is offering our soul. When He asks the sacrifice of all that is precious in this world, it is impossible, without a very special grace, not to cry out like Him in the garden of agony… It is very consoling to think that Jesus, the Strong God, knew our weaknesses.
–Saint Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897)