Talk to God…
It is far better to talk to God than to talk about Him, for there is so much self love intermingled with spiritual conversations.
–Saint Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897)
It is far better to talk to God than to talk about Him, for there is so much self love intermingled with spiritual conversations.
–Saint Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897)
When we yield to discouragement or despair it is usually because we give too much thought to the past and to the future.
–Saint Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897)
Do you realize that Jesus is there in the tabernacle expressly for you – for you alone? He burns with the desire to come into your heart.
–Saint Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897)
Without prayer a man will not persevere long in spirituality; we must have recourse to this most powerful means of salvation every day.
–Saint Philip Neri (1515-1595)
Cheerfulness strengthens the heart and makes us persevere in a good life; wherefore the servant of God ought always to be in good spirits.
— Saint Philip Neri (1515-1595)
One of the most excellent means of obtaining perseverance is discretion; we must not wish to do everything at once, or become a saint in four days.
–Saint Philip Neri (1515-1595)