Fasting has…
Just as indulgence proves to be cause and promoter of countless evils for the human race, in like manner fasting and neglect of appetite have invariably proved the cause of innumerable benefits to us.
–Saint John Chrysostom (347-407)
Just as indulgence proves to be cause and promoter of countless evils for the human race, in like manner fasting and neglect of appetite have invariably proved the cause of innumerable benefits to us.
–Saint John Chrysostom (347-407)
Pay attention carefully. After the sin comes the shame; courage follows repentance. Did you pay attention to what I said? Satan upsets the order; he gives the courage to sin and the shame to repentance.
–Saint John Chrysostom (347-407)
There would be no need for sermons if our lives were shining; there would be no need for words if we bore witness with our deeds; there would be no more pagans if we were true Christians.
–Saint John Chrysostom (347-407)
Why persist in walking difficult and toilsome paths? There is no repose where you are seeking it. Search as you like, it is not where you are looking. You are seeking a happy life in the realm of death, and it will not be found there. How could life be happy where there is no life at all?
–Saint Augustine (354-430)
There is another inward kind of prayer without ceasing, which is the desire of the heart… If you do not want to pause in prayer then never pause in your longing. Your continuous desire is your continuous prayer. If you cease to desire than you will have fallen silent in your prayer.
–Saint Augustine (354-430)
In judging of what you are to choose, you should consider not the plausibility of appearances, but look forward to the end.
–Saint Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556)