Jesus pardoning sins…
How can you entertain a doubt of Jesus pardoning your sins, when He has affixed them to the Cross, whereon He died for you, with the very nails by which His own hands were pierced?
–Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)
How can you entertain a doubt of Jesus pardoning your sins, when He has affixed them to the Cross, whereon He died for you, with the very nails by which His own hands were pierced?
–Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)
How could one live without the knowledge of Scripture, through which one learns to know Christ himself, who is the life of believers?
–Saint Jerome (c. 340-420)
A man who is well-grounded in the testimonies of Scriptures is the bulwark of the Church.
–Saint Jerome (c. 340-420)
God calls us to correct ourselves and invites us to do penance. He calls us through the wonderful gifts of his creation, and he calls us by granting time for life. He calls us through the reader and through the preacher. He calls us with the innermost force of our thoughts. He calls us with the scourge of punishment, and he calls us with the mercy of his consolation.
–Saint Augustine (354-430)
Let us understand that God is a physician, and that suffering is a medicine for salvation, not a punishment for damnation.
–Saint Augustine (354-430)