In prayerful silence you must look into your own heart. No one can tell you better than yourself what comes between you and God. Ask yourself. Then listen!
–Johannes Tauler (c. 1300-1361)
Works of mercy…
When we attend to the needs of those in want, we give them what is theirs, not ours. More than performing works of mercy, we are paying a debt of justice.
–Saint Gregory the Great (c. 540-604)
Contemplate his passion…
Let us contemplate with the eyes of our heart, Jesus, that is, our Saviour, the Lamb without spot, how He bore therein all our sins; how heavily, all alone, He trod the wine-press, that like the grape that is pressed with all care, He, too, might be pressed in the wine-press of His Passion, and might pour upon us richly, and give us to drink, the red wine of His precious Blood, so as to make us drunk with His love. –Johannes Tauler (c. 1300-1361)
Let us love silence till the…
Let us love silence till the world is made to die in our hearts. Let us always remember death, and in this thought draw near to God in our heart–and the pleasures of this world will have our scorn.
–Saint Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century)
Prayer is putting…
Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at his disposition, and listening to his voice and the depths of our hearts.
–Saint Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)
God is bountiful…
He who asks God for a real favor, obtains it, for God is bountiful and generous, and readily bestows His gifts.
— Saint Gregory Nazianzen (329-c. 391)