John Chrysostom (347-407), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic, Repentance
Five Ways of Repentance:
- A first path of repentance is the condemnation of your own sins: Be the first to admit your sins and you will be justified…
- Another and no less valuable one is to put out of our minds the harm done us by our enemies, in order to master our anger, and to forgive our fellow servants’ sins against us…
- Do you want to know of a third path? It consists of prayer that is fervent, careful and comes from the heart.
- If you want to hear of a fourth, I will mention almsgiving, whose power is great and far-reaching.
- If, moreover, a man lives a modest, humble life, that, no less than the other things I have mentioned, takes sin away…
Thus I have shown you five paths of repentance; condemnation of your own sins, forgiveness of our neighbor’s sins against us, prayer, almsgiving and humility. Do not be idle, then, but walk daily in all these paths; they are easy, and you cannot plead your poverty.
–Saint John Chrysostom (347-407)
Death, John of the Cross (1542-1591), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
Since, when the hour of reckoning comes, you will be sorry for not having used this time in the service of God, why do you not arrange and use it now as you would wish to have done were you dying?
–Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591)
John of the Cross (1542-1591), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
Though the path is plain and smooth for people of good will, those who walk it will not travel far, and will do so only with difficulty if they do not have good feet, courage, and tenacity of spirit.
–Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591)
John of the Cross (1542-1591), Page: Quotes, Prayer (problems), Quote Author, Spiritual (life)
Never give up prayer, and should you find dryness and difficulty, persevere in it for this very reason: God often desires to see what love your soul has, and love is not tried by ease and satisfaction.
–Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591)
Death, Humility, John of the Cross (1542-1591), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic
Preserve a habitual remembrance of eternal life, recalling that those who hold themselves the lowest and poorest and least of all will enjoy the highest dominion and glory in God.
–Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591)
Discipleship, Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic
Use and experience teach that it is not the lazy and listless, but the ardent and eager, who enjoy calm and peace of mind in God’s service.
–Saint Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556)