Prayer begins by…
Prayer begins by talking to God, but it ends by listening to Him.
–Blessed Fulton Sheen (1895-1979)
Prayer begins by talking to God, but it ends by listening to Him.
–Blessed Fulton Sheen (1895-1979)
The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host.
–Blessed Fulton Sheen (1895-1979)
No one, not even a sinner, who devoutly recommends himself to her [Blessed Virgin Mary] shall ever become the prey of Hell.
–Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)
Believe me, there is no more powerful means to obtain God’s grace than to employ the intercessions of the Holy Virgin.
–Saint Philip Neri (1515-1595)
The greatest method of praying is to pray the Rosary.
–Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
No one ever gave themselves so perfectly or so absolutely to the Divine Majesty as Mary did. She was more perfectly obedient to the Word of God than any other creature. Moreover, she was more submissive than anyone else ever was. The one who gives all reserves nothing. But what, I ask you, does it mean to give all to God? It is not to reserve for oneself anything which may not be for God, not even one affection or desire
–Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)