Surrender consists in…

Total surrender consists in giving ourselves completely to God – Why must we give ourselves fully to God? Because God has given himself to us. If God, who owes nothing to us, is ready to impart to us no less than himself, shall we answer with just a fraction of ourselves? To give ourselves fully to God is a means of receiving God himself. I for God and God for me. I live for God and give up my own self, and in this way induce God to live for me. Therefore to possess God we must allow him to possess our soul.
–Saint Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)

Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament…

Each time we look upon Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, He raises us up into deeper union with Himself, opens up the floodgates of His merciful love to the whole world, and brings us closer to the day of His final victory ‘where every knee will bend and proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord’ The reign of God is already in your midst. The coming of Jesus to us in the Eucharist is assurance of His promise of final victory: “Behold, I come to make all things new.
–Saint Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)