Augustine (354-430), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
It is not by change of place that we can come nearer to Him who is in every place, but by the cultivation of pure desires and virtuous habits.
–Saint Augustine (354-430)
Augustine (354-430), Page: Quotes, Quote Author
The sin is caused not by the flesh, but by the will of the soul, and the corruption contracted from sin is not sin, but sin’s punishment.
–Saint Augustine (354-430)
John Chrysostom (347-407), Page: Quotes, Quote Author
What is nobler than to mold the character of the young? I consider that he who knows how to form the youthful mind is truly greater than all painters, sculptors and all others of that sort.
–Saint John Chrysostom (347-407)
John Chrysostom (347-407), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
If, then, the Cross has its foundation in love and is our glory, we must not say we mourn because of the Cross. Far from it. What we have to mourn over is our own sinfulness, and that is why we fast.
–Saint John Chrysostom (347-407)
John Chrysostom (347-407), Page: Quotes, Quote Author
Just as those who are deprived of light cannot walk straight, so also those who do not behold the ray of the Holy Scriptures must necessarily sin, since they walk in the deepest darkness.
— Saint John Chrysostom (347-407)
Church, John Chrysostom (347-407), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic
The church, you see, is a pharmacy of the spirit, and those who come here ought to acquire some appropriate remedies, apply them to their own complaints, and go off the better for it.
–Saint John Chrysostom (347-407)