Grace, Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century), Love, Page: Quotes
In love did God bring the world into existence; in love is God going to bring it to that wondrous transformed state, and in love will the world be swallowed up in the great mystery of the one who has preformed all these things; in love will the whole course of the governance of creation be finally comprised.
–Saint Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century)
Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century), Page: Quotes, Repentance, Struggle (with Sin)
Whoever hates his sins will stop sinning; and whoever confesses them will receive remission. A man can not abandon the habit of sin if he does not first gain enmity toward sin, nor can he receive remission of sin without confession of sin. For the confession of sin is the cause of true humility.
— Saint Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century)
Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century), Love (others), Page: Quotes, Spiritual (life)
Ever let mercy outweigh all else in you. Let our compassion be a mirror where we may see in ourselves that likeness and that true image which belong to the Divine nature and Divine essence. A heart hard and unmerciful will never be pure.
— Saint Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century)
Adversity, Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century), Page: Quotes, Spiritual (life)
At the time of darkness, more than anything else kneeling is helpful.
— Saint Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century)
Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century), Page: Quotes, Spiritual (life)
If something has become deeply united with your soul, you should not only regard it as your possession in this life, but believe that it will accompany you into the life to come. If it is something good, rejoice and give thanks to God in your mind; if it is something bad, grieve and sigh, and strive to free yourself from it while you are still in the body.
— Saint Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century)
Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century), Page: Quotes, Spiritual (life)
A small but persistent discipline is a great force; for a soft drop tailing persistently, hollows out hard rock.
— Saint Isaac of Syria (Seventh Century)