Mold your life…
Examine from time to time what are the dominant passions of your soul, and having ascertained this, mold your life, so that in thought, word and deed you may as far as possible counteract them.
— Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
Examine from time to time what are the dominant passions of your soul, and having ascertained this, mold your life, so that in thought, word and deed you may as far as possible counteract them.
— Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
Keep yourself faithfully in the presence of God; avoid hurry and anxiety, for there are no greater obstacles to our progress in perfection. Have an unlimited confidence in his mercy and goodness.
–Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
All those who are willing to be saved through the cross will find salvation there. But those who desire to be saved without it will perish miserably. There is no salvation except in this cross.
— Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
God takes pleasure to see you take your little steps; and like a good father who holds his child by the hand, He will accommodate His steps to yours and will be content to go no faster than you.
— Saint Francis de Sales, (1567-1622)
The prayer of the sick person is his patience and his acceptance of his sickness for the love of Jesus Christ. Make sickness itself a prayer, for there is none more powerful, save martyrdom!
— Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
You say the times are troublesome, the times are burdensome, the times are miserable, Live right, and you will change the times. The times have never [harmed] anyone. Those who are hurt are human beings; those by whom they are hurt are also human beings. So, change human beings, and the times will be changed.
— Saint Augustine (354-430)