Be a living gospel…
We should be a living Gospel. The people who live distant from Christ, especially unbelievers, should know the Gospel not through books or words, but in view of our lives.
–Blessed Charles de Foucauld (1858-1916)
We should be a living Gospel. The people who live distant from Christ, especially unbelievers, should know the Gospel not through books or words, but in view of our lives.
–Blessed Charles de Foucauld (1858-1916)
Indeed, before our baptism we were sanctuaries of the devil; but after our baptism we merited the privilege of being temples of Christ. And if we think more carefully about the meaning of our salvation, we shall realise that we are indeed living and true temples of God. God does not dwell only in things made by human hands, nor in homes of wood and stone, but rather he dwells principally in the soul made according to his own image and fashioned by his own hand. Therefore, the apostle Paul says: ‘The temple of God is holy, and you are that temple.’
–Saint Caesarius of Arles (460-542)
What makes us human is not our mind but our heart, not our ability to think but our ability to love.
–Henri Nouwen (1932–1996)
If you love Christ, it is fitting that anyone for whom he shed his blood should be important to you.
–Saint John of Ávila (1500-1569)
The humility that does not produce generosity is undoubtedly false, for true humility, after it has said, ‘I can do nothing; I am only absolute nothingness,’ suddenly gives place to generosity of spirit, which says, ‘There is nothing and there can be nothing that I am unable to do, so long as I put all my confidence in God, who can do all things.’ And so, buoyed up by this confidence, it courageously undertakes to do all that is commanded.
–Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
We are fastened and bound (religati) to God by this bond of piety. It is from this that religion takes its name.
–Lucius Lactantius (c. 250 – c. 325)