Not to complain…

Fishes have no tongue. In the midst of storms at sea, they swim and glide along in silence. What a great lesson we can draw from them. When we are in the storms of great sufferings, we must lock in this treasure with the golden key of silence and not seek to complain to anyone.
–Saint Paul of the Cross (1694-1775)

Whatever you possess…

Whatever you possess must not possess you; whatever you own must be under the power of your soul; for if your soul is overpowered powered by the love of this world’s goods, it will be totally at the mercy of its possessions. In other words, we make use of temporal things, but our hearts are set on what is eternal. Temporal goods help us on our way, but our desire must be for those eternal realities which are our goal.
–Saint Gregory the Great (c. 540-604)