Page: Quotes, Prayer (how), Quote Topic
You write, “To pray is to talk with God. But about what?” About what? About Him, about yourself—joys, sorrows, successes and failures, noble ambitions, daily worries, weaknesses! And acts of thanksgiving and petitions—and Love and reparation. In a word, to get to know him and to get to know yourself—”to get acquainted!”
–Saint Josemaría Escrivá (1902-1975)
Page: Quotes, Prayer (answered), Prayer (how), Quote Topic
The reason why sometimes you have asked and not received, is because you have asked amiss, either inconsistently, or lightly, or because you have asked for what was not good for you, or because you have ceased asking.
— Saint Basil the Great (330-379)
Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
God is not accustomed to refusing a good gift to those who ask for one. Since God is good, and especially to those who are faithful to him, let us hold fast to him with all our soul, our heart, our strength, and so enjoy his light and see his glory and possess the grace of supernatural joy.
— Saint Ambrose of Milan (339-397)
John Chrysostom (347-407), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
Nothing is more powerful than meekness. For as fire is extinguished by water, so a mind inflated by anger is subdued by meekness. By meekness we practice and make known our virtue, and also cause the indignation of our brother to cease, and deliver his mind from perturbation.
–Saint John Chrysostom (347-407)
Meister Eckhart (1260-1328), Page: Quotes, Quote Author
We feel an inkling of the perfection and stability of eternity, for there is neither time nor space, neither before nor after, but everything present in one new, fresh-springing now where millenniums last no longer than the twinkling of an eye.
–Meister Eckhart (1260-1328)
Francis de Sales (1567-1622), Page: Quotes, Quote Author, Quote Topic, Spiritual (life)
Every moment comes to us pregnant with a command from God, only to pass on and plunge into eternity, there to remain forever what we have made of it.
–Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)