God alone must be…

We must not give in to weariness: we must spend every minute in loving God. God alone, the maker of heaven and earth, must be our rest and our consolation. The love of God is the only thing we can possess forever: everything else will pass away.
–Saint Joaquina de Vedruna  (1783-1854)

The “Why” of life…

In front of the big ‘why’ of life we have two paths: to stay to watch gloomily the tombs of yesterday and of today, or to bring Jesus to our tombs…Yes, because each of us has a small tomb, some area that is a little bit dead inside the heart: a wound, an injury suffered or done (to us), a bitterness that does not let up, remorse that returns, a sin that you cannot overcome…Instead, invite Jesus; we are tempted to always look to ourselves, brooding and sinking in anguish, licking our wounds, rather than going to him, who says, ‘Come to me you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.’
–Pope Francis (1936-

Lent calls us back…

Lent calls us back to seeing that God loves us as we are and wants to heal us. We do the right things for the wrong reasons and sometimes do the wrong things with the best of intentions. Even something objectively wrong can become, through God’s grace, a sign of something holy and healing, a marker along our path that leads us home to God.
–Pope Francis (1936-

Accept misfortune…

Whatever the course of our lives, we should receive them as the highest gift from the hand of God, in which equally reposed the power to do nothing whatsoever for us. Indeed, we should accept misfortune not only in thanks, but in infinite gratitude to Providence, which by such means, detaches us from an excessive love for Earthly things and elevates our minds to the celestial and divine.
–Galileo (1564-1642)

Lent is a time…

Lent is a favorable time to intensify spiritual life: may the practice of fasting be of help to you, in order to acquire greater mastery of yourselves; may prayer be the means to entrust your lives to God and to feel him always nearby; may the works of mercy help you to live open to the needs of brothers and sisters.
–Pope Francis (1936-