Cross, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
No one at all can humbly read or think of the passion of our Lord… without reaping from this exercise fruit most useful for salvation; just as no one could touch flour or balm, even with the tips of his fingers, without having his fingers whitened with flour and perfumed with the odor of balm. Even if the image of Jesus crucified be only piously glanced at, the look will not have been in vain.
–Saint Louis de Blois (1506-1566)
Cross, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
Amongst all the marvels of the passion what we should most dwell upon is the unspeakable love with which Christ suffered for us, that we may love Him more and suffer with Him more sweetly. But chiefly that we may imitate Him, and be conformed to His image.
–Saint Louis de Blois (1506-1566)
Acceptance, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic, Silence
Never question God’s dealings with you. Respect God’s work in your soul with silence.
–John Hardon (1914-2000)
Blessed Virgin Mary, Page: Quotes, Quote Topic
If Our Lord spent thirty years in obedience and dependence on Mary, doing His Father’s Will, what better example have we? Unite ourselves to Him, and ask Mary to teach us how to love perfectly, how to fulfill daily God’s Will in all things.
–Venerable Edel Quinn (1907-1944)
Page: Quotes
Yes, it’s proper to our nature to feel depressed sometimes and then at other times to feel very joyful and strong enough for anything. Blessed be God. These changing feelings can help us to understand just how changeable this life of ours really is. These feelings can also help us to detach ourselves and focus our desires toward heaven.
–Blessed Luisitia Josefa (1866-1937)
Page: Quotes
Take good care of yourself, your soul and your body; try to keep them in good condition and strong so that you’ll be able to do whatever Our Lord requires of you.
–Blessed Luisitia Josefa (1866-1937)